cnn, you are not tmz. stop trying. it's not cute. so yeah, looks like i will be getting my current events fix from that nbc fox, brian williams. or my alma mater homegirl, katie couric.
p.s. anderson, i still love you.
and then came the obsession. must. find. spare grand. must. own. these. shoes.
i am seriously considering taking up living quarters in a cardboard box for a few months to justify these. i feel fairly certain it would be worth it.
a little heart hug on this dreary wednesday morning. stay tuned for what's cooking wednesdays.
and my favorite: personalized yellow and pink monkey stationary. this speaks to me. it says, "buy me. love me. people will think you are fabulous." i'm sold.
and there's something for everyone! for all you lilly-loving ladies who are preppy minus the edge, how about one {or all!} of these pink-and-green finds?
how about a pink palm paperweight to make your desk a little cheerier?
or these to-die-for address labels?
love these calling cards!
fair warning: if you head over to their website, be prepared to lose several hours of productivity. it is impossible not to play around with the endless combinations of fabulousness on this website. i've already instructed my wallet to hide.
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