30 May 2009
calling all readers!
hope y'all are having a faboosh weekend!
29 May 2009
now i know my ABCs
A - Age: 23.75
B - Bed size: full, but soon to be queen. just found out the p-units are buying me my new mattress set!
C - Chore you hate: taking out the trash
D- Dog's name: jake
E - Essential start your day item: diet coke
F - Favorite color: yellow
G - Gold or Silver or platinum: gold for everyday, platinum for my future wedding ring
H - Height: 5'2ish
I - Instruments you play: does learning to play the recorder in 4th grade count?
J- Job title: assistant director of annual giving
K - Kid(s): someday, but not any time soon. either two boys or a boy and a girl.
L- Living arrangements: rented 2 bedroom townhouse. just me and the puppy boy.
M - Mom's name: rebecca
N - Nicknames: sg, peps
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: pneumonia when i was 4. not fun. although i did use it to con my parents into letting me eat cheeseburgers for breakfast after i got better.
P - Pet Peeve: people who don't RSVP
Q - Quote from a movie: "we can love completely without complete understanding." ~A River Runs Through It. i can recite this entire movie from memory. best. movie. EVER.
R - Right handed or left handed: righty
S - Siblings: younger sister
T- Time you wake up: 6:00 AM...i'm trying to work my way back to 5:30 for the summer so i can workout in the morning before it gets hot.
U- Underwear: hanky pankys
V - Vegetable you dislike: beets. i can't think of anything more disgusting.
W - Ways you run late: NEVER. i am punctual to a fault.
X - X-rays you've had: couldn't tell you.
Y - Yummy food you make: my homemade mac and cheese is pretty much amazing.
Z - Zoo favorite: anything aquatic. i have a weird obsession with aquariums.
happy friday, chickadees!
28 May 2009

27 May 2009
what's cooking wednesdays
this recipe calls for blackberries, but you could really make it with anything. since it isn't quite blackberry or peach season {my two preferred cobbler fruits}, i used a mixed berry cup from kroger {strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries}. it worked just fine. you could also use cherries, but i'm way too lazy to pit my own.
seriously, you MUST try this recipe. it takes all of 10 minute to put together and it is so delicious. i brought the leftovers to work yesterday and people were freaking out.
i love how this has quickly evolved into what i made for girls night wednesdays, instead of the healthful, homemade dishes i'm supposed to be making for myself. i had arby's for dinner last night. yeah. stay tuned for next week...
you're killing me, smalls!

plus this
might equal our next date night. especially since he's not big on sweets. then i can eat all of the smores....does anyone else love these things as much as i do?!?
22 May 2009
have you ladies all discovered the genius that is shop it to me? you tell them your size{s}, your favorite brands, etc. and voila! you receive weekly e-mails {i get mine twice a week, but i think you can get them every day} with a list of all items in your preferred sizes/brands, along with links and pictures. it's AMAZING. here is a sampling of what they found for me today:

18 May 2009
hello, out there!
17 May 2009
the obsession continues

love, love, LOVE these pillows from t.j. maxx of all places. $12.99 each and totally perfect for my couch. apologies for the TERRIBLE picture quality. still relying on my crackberry until i can replace my digital.

got this at target for 35 bucks. it is going to look AH-MAZING above my bed.

and these lovelies were completely free, courtesy of my mother's beautiful peony bushes.
things i am currently craving:
yeah....OBSESSED with this rug for my living room floor.
jonathan adler used this table {from pier 1, no less!} in liz lange's weekend home {see may issue of house beautiful} and i literally squealed out loud. this WILL be in my guest bedroom.

13 May 2009
cause if you gots the poison...

what's cooking wednesdays: the bachelorette edition
12 May 2009
you are welcome
(918): Do u have any bacon or vodka by chance a completely legitimate question, in my opinion
(215): Stoned at DSW. SO MANY SHOES! THEY'RE FREAKING ME OUT. although i prefer my mind-altering chemicals to be in liquid martini form, i can understand this feeling. i get overwhelmed while sober in dsw.
11 May 2009
06 May 2009
what's cooking wednesdays