25 March 2011

fit train friday: small victories

this morning did not start off well.  the beau is {thankfully} on a renewed kick of wanting to get healthy and in shape, not just for our wedding, but for life.  so last night he decided that one of the steps required is getting himself on a regular sleeping pattern: in bed by 11pm, out of bed by 7am.  since he has a bad habit of turning off his alarm clock iphone and rolling over for another hour, he also set our actual alarm clock to go off a few minutes after his phone as a back-up.  well, at 7am when his phone starts going off, he stumbles out of bed, over to our actual alarm clock, and starts yelling at it that he doesn't know how to turn it off.  nice. day one wake up FAIL.

he had also decided that another one of the steps was to get his work-outs done in the morning.  with his current work schedule, that's really the only time he has and he says he always feels better for the rest of the day.  even after the epic wake up fail, he manages to make it out the door with a healthy breakfast {whole grain bagel + organic, no-sugar added PB + a banana} in time to get to the gym.  20 minutes later i hear him walk back in the door.  he has a flat tire.  not a happy camper. 

by the time we've finished dealing with all of this, i have approximately 30 minutes to pack our lunches, take the dog out and feed him, and get ready for work.  i don't like being rushed, so now i was not a happy camper.  until...

i grabbed the first pair of jeans i saw.  starting to put them on, i realize they are the jeans that i haven't really been able to wear since i put on the love weight.  as in, i can get them on, but it ain't pretty and it ain't comfortable.  so i've just avoided them.  this morning, i put them on. and they fit. not to tight, nothing spilling over the top, and nothing riding up where it's not supposed to. hallelujah!

as i did a little dance of joy in my closet, i also realized that i am starting to form some truly healthy habits and overcome some of my bad ones.  in the past, when running late like this morning, i would have hit up the mcdonald's drive thru for my go-to breakfast of an egg mcmuffin and a large diet coke {maybe white trash, but soooo delicious!}.  today, i packed a little kashi go lean! crunch {honey almond flax, yum}, some organic 1% milk, and some english breakfast tea to take with me to the office.  healthier, cheaper, and still satisfying.  go me.

it's so nice to start finally seeing some results {even small ones} from the changes i've been making in my life. running at the gym or run/walking outside with the pup, making nutritious meal choices throughout the day, and even adding some light weight lifting {in the spirit of full disclosure, i lift my weight while i watch barefoot contessa}.  i feel better, i look better {i think}, and my jeans fit. not a bad way to start the weekend!


Miss Sweet Tea said...

Woo hoo! Good for you! Fitting into too-small jeans is the best feeling ever :)

Stephanie said...

That's the best feeling in the world! Yay!

LPC said...

Congrats. You will never regret these changes.

Annabel Manners said...

I *love* that you lift weights while watching Barefoot Contessa. And congratulations on sliding into those skinny jeans! xoxo

Whim Wham Life said...

Yay! Congrats:-) It's fun to see some hard work paying off! Makes it totally worth it! xoxo

Design Elements said...

congrats! lovely greetings