28 December 2009
womp womp
24 December 2009
for unto us, a child is born

i know i've been mia over the past week, and honestly, it's been a really tough couple of days for me. but more on that later.
14 December 2009
last chance...
hop on over to fantabulously frugal's giveaway and be sure to tell her that i sent you. today is the last day to enter!
13 December 2009
sunday afternoon silliness

12 December 2009
zomgeez....so good!

ummm so life of a suburban princess posted about these a few weeks ago and i have been on the hunt for them ever since. of course in small town, virginia, they can only be found in a large canister {not the little 100-calorie packs} at kroger for like 8 bucks. and i need the 100-calorie packs. or else i will eat the whole canister.
11 December 2009
christmas meme
Q: What is your favorite Christmas movie?
A: home alone and home alone 2. a christmas story.
Q: What is your least favorite Christmas movie?
A: babes in toyland.
Q: What Christmas song(s) drives you crazy?
A: christmas shoes {blech}
Q: What is your favorite Christmas song(s)?
A: dominick the donkey (the italian christmas song) {totally annoying, completely addictive.}
Q: What is your favorite Christmas drink?
A: double tall one pump peppermint one pump white chocolate nonfat no whip extra hot peppermint white chocolate mocha. ahem.
Q: What is your favorite Christmas memory?
A: not really one in particular, but i ache for those christmases with my granddaddy and my aunt. those were such happy times and it’s just not the same without them.
Q: What is the best toy/gift you've received on Christmas?
A: my samantha american girl doll. i will never forget that christmas morning as long as i live. i wrote santa a letter every day that year and when i saw the top of her head peeking out over the chair where santa always left our gifts, i thought i had died and gone to heaven!
Q: What is the worst toy/gift you've received on Christmas?
A: a pink new york yankees beanie from my grandmama. i’m a red sox fan.
Q: What do you LOVE about the holidays?
A: oh gosh, what DON’T i love? i loooooooove shopping for presents for my loved ones. finding the perfect christmas cards and wrapping paper. making buckeyes and cheese straws with my mom and sister. christmas morning bloody marys. time spent with family. tacky christmas sweaters. and then the ultimate favorite: DECORATIONS!
Q: What annoys you about the holidays?
A: the commercialism. wal*mart, you do not have the market on Christmas! also, that they start playing christmas music after halloween now. wtf?!
Q: Do you prefer a star or an angel on top of a Christmas tree? Or something else?
A: a bow.
Q: What is your favorite family recipe at Christmas?
A: garlic-stuffed pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes and mushroom-sour cream gravy! my mom and i make it for christmas day dinner every year. and my mom’s homemade cream cheese braids for christmas morning.
Q: Are you a Grinch or a Who at Christmas?
A: a who. a hoo, to be more specific.
Q: Christmas light displays - Love them or hate them?
A: i loathe colored lights. and those icicle lights are a little tired. but i love looking at them on other people’s houses. is that weird?
Q: Santas at the mall - fun times or creepy?
A: creepy. except for the macy’s thanksgiving day parade santa. he’s the real deal.
Q: Christmas cards...do you send them?
A: always. although i STILL haven’t found ones for this year. might be new year’s cards this time around…
Q: What is the best thing about Christmas in your opinion?
A: christmas trees. i am 24 years old and they are still magical.
Q: What is the worst thing about Christmas?
A: when it's over!
Q; When do you put the tree up and take it down?
A: up the saturday after thanksgiving. down whenever i get around to it.
Q: Out of the 12 Days of Christmas, which item would you want your truelove to give to you?
A: anything but the swans. swans are mean, spiteful creatures. i was attacked by one once, so i know.
Q: Why do you think grandma got run over by a reindeer?
A: she sampled too much of the punch.
Q: Who is your favorite reindeer?
A: prancer. he was just fabulous in that movie.
Q: Do you believe in Santa Claus?
A: obvs. who do they think leaves the presents under the tree?!
Q; What is your favorite smell at Christmastime?
A: fresh-cut christmas trees
Q: What would make you happy at Christmas this year?
A: knowing that everyone i love is happy and healthy. and a chanel 2.55
i love lonny!!
i know most of us were super devastated when that darling of shelter mags, domino, went out of publication last year {r.i.p.} but michelle adams and patrick cline, two of the geniuses behind the dearly departed, launched a groundbreaking online shelter mag this fall called lonny {combination of their respective homes, london and new york}.
it. is. FABULOUS! although i would still love to have this in glossy, real-life form to cuddle up with under a blanket, what they are doing is truly wonderful. they're also major supporters of the blogworld. woot woot. please click on over and try not to spend the next hour drooling over the gorgeous pictures and wonderful articles {the articles on the new j.crew and kate spade stores are to die for}.
you'll thank me, i promise.
10 December 2009
happy birthday, noodle!!
08 December 2009
confession time

02 December 2009
what's cooking wednesdays
so i now share with you the yummiest christmas food ever. that is not an exaggeration. i'm making these for a junior league cookie swap later this week, and i guarantee you people will be freaking out. this is the recipe for my mom's christmas crackers. they are inexpensive and simple to make and HIGHLY addictive. prepare at your own risk.
christmas crackers
club crackers {enough to cover the sheet pan}
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup sliced, slivered, or chopped almonds
Lay crackers {they should be touching} on a large cookie sheet covered in foil. Make sure the cookie sheet has sides on it! Melt butter and sugar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Pour sugar mixture over crackers and spread to cover all the crackers. Sprinkle almonds on top of the crackers and bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. DO NOT OVERBAKE. As soon as crackers come out of oven, remove them to a wire rack to cool. Break apart and store in airtight container.
01 December 2009
holy friggin cow
please pop on over to fantabulously frugal's INSANELYAMAZINGOMGIAMFREAKINGOUT giveaway and enter immediately. be sure to tell her that belle on heels sent you {there are extra entries in it for me AND you!}. you don't have to be a blog owner to enter {blurkers, ahem a and k, i am looking at you}, so you should enter too!
25 November 2009
happy turkey day!!

wishing you a day full of family and blessings {and delicious food}! i'll be watching the parade and dog show and helping out with the turkey, sweet potatoes, and brussel sprouts. i made a pumpkin cheesecake this morning, so fingers crossed it turned out!
24 November 2009
i am thankful for...
23 November 2009
i am thankful for...
19 November 2009
it's an epidemic!

i am thankful for...
because i was one of the winners of a set of SIX {yes, six!} haute market bags in nina's giveaway. oooh i can't wait to have a few of these monogrammed for myself and maybe give away a few as gifts....who am i kidding? i'll probably end up keeping them all to myself. i am a total bag lady. not a bad way to wrap up this week! happy thursday, ladies!
p.s. i'm SURE all of you are already loyal readers, but if not, you really should check out nina's blog. it's a delight!
18 November 2009
i am thankful for...

16 November 2009
i am thankful for...

13 November 2009
maybe one little thing i am ungrateful for...
ok. this is driving me bonkers. so i'm trying to select my christmas correspondence. there are so many beautiful cards out there to choose from. and then i open them up. happy holidays. BLURG!! this is one of my biggest pet peeves.
trust me, i am about as bleeding heart, loosey-goosey, liberal as they come, but seriously, people. i have friends from many different religious backgrounds. some who celebrate christmas, some who celebrate hanukkah, some who don't celebrate anything at all, other than a season of delicious peppermint-flavored drinks at starbucks. and you know what? i would not be the least bit offended if i got a card wishing me a happy hanukkah or happy kwanzaa. you know why? because that is what THEY are celebrating and they're simply sharing the joy of their personal holiday and beliefs? me? I am celebrating christmas. so I want to send cards that say merry christmas.
is this too much to ask for? you know what really kills me? the cards that have CHRISTMAS trees on them and still say happy holidays. better yet, hallmark makes a set of cards with the nativity scene on the front that STILL says happy holidays on the inside.
please, i am begging you, makers of adorable letterpress cards that i reallllllllly want to buy, MAKE SOMETHING THAT SAYS CHRISTMAS ON IT!
day ??: i am thankful for...
thanks to all of your sweet get-well wishes, i am doing much better! my fever has been gone for almost 48 hours, my sore throat has all but disappeared, and best of all, i am not flu-achey anymore {that's the worst}. i'm back at work for a half-day today and then i'm off for the weekend. thank y'all for being the best readers EVER!!
on a more somber note, today would have been my darling aunt's 49th birthday. i'm headed to tennessee tonight with my mom, sister, and grandmama to be with her two daughters. her oldest, a, is my age. she's the music program director at a college in tennessee and tonight is the premiere of her first play there. they're doing little women and, appropriately enough, she is starring as marmee. i'm so proud of her and i know she's going to do an amazing job, but it's going to be a rough night for all of us. especially a. i know how much she wishes her wonderful mama could be here to see this. aunt m, i hope you are celebrating in heaven! i miss you so much.
11 November 2009
06 November 2009
day 5: i am thankful for...

day 4: i am thankful for...
seriously, they both send me other the edge in fits of giggles. especially the geico one. i literally called my sister from nyc to tell her what channel it was on. it's become a bit of a family joke. maybe because that's how we all talk...
05 November 2009
day 3: i am thankful for...

day 2: i am thankful for...

...starbucks christmas drinks!
02 November 2009
day 1: i am thankful for...

30 October 2009
happy halloween + thanksgiving prep

22 October 2009
i have not been taking care of myself AT ALL the past two months. i can't tell you the last time i consistently prepared anything remotely resembling a healthy meal for myself. i've been living on lean cuisines, canned soup, and fast food and i am feeling the effects. what few times i've been able to go out and have fun with my friends, i have had WAY too much to drink and stupidly indulged in a few {or more} cigarettes {a very nasty habit leftover from my college bar years}. i haven't been exercising or taking the puppy boy for his walks. my skin looks terrible, my hair is fried. i am stressed all the time. my sleep pattern is a joke. i have nightmares, i'm not sleeping through the night, i have trouble falling asleep and even more trouble waking up.
all in all, i am a mess.
i am cancelling all of my obligations this weekend and going home. i'm going to catch up on laundry and dvr and reading. i'm going to run everyday. i'm going to eat my mom's homemade veggie soup and sundry other healthy, homecooked offerings. i am not going to have ANY vino. and i'm not taking my blackberry. because i need to be nice to me and be really selfish for a little while.
i'll still be posting, just not as frequently for the next little bit. no worries. the stretch from halloween to christmas is my most favoritest time of the year, so i'll be back. and i will miss y'all terribly. stay warm, chickadees!
21 October 2009
blog love!
i've been very lucky that my follower numbers have taken a major jump in the past few weeks. i've been so busy that i really haven't had the time to check out your lovely blogs and add you to my blog roll.
so let's make this easy on me, shall we? if you would like to be added to my blog roll, please just leave a comment on this post. i look forward to popping over and seeing what you're up to soon!
happy hump day!
19 October 2009
what's cooking wednesdays...a little early
i ended up making these gorgonzola truffles from the 2008 southern living cookbook for our junior league social tonight. i doubled recipe as it doesn't make very many. these are INSANELY delicious. bacon + blue cheese....i mean, how could they not be?!
i'm off to atlanta for work until thursday. have a great week, lovelies!
Makes 6 appetizer servings
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 (4-oz.) container crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
2 teaspoons finely chopped onion
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 cup cooked and crumbled bacon
Apple and pear slices
1. Beat first 5 ingredients at medium speed with an electric mixer until well combined. Cover tightly, and chill at least 1 hour or until firm (can chill up to 3 days).
2. Roll cheese mixture into 3/4-inch-round balls. Roll each ball in bacon. Serve immediately, or cover and chill until ready to serve. If chilled, let stand 30 minutes before serving. Serve with apple and pear slices and grapes.
16 October 2009
Fall Wants-Its: The Not Anytime Soon Edition

15 October 2009
Fall Wants-Its: The Food Edition

14 October 2009
Fall Wants-Its: The Frugalista Edition
so i could make about 2,000 posts of my current clothing wants, but in the interest of space and time, i limited myself on this one to my best fall budget finds. below are items that i WILL have in my closet by the end of november {one of them has already weaseled its way in}. enjoy!

ok, so land's end is NOT the first place i think of for chic. but this wrap sweater is adorable and only $44.99. i want the grey, which is sold out online, but i will be checking sears.

i just bought this skirt on sale for $39.99 at ann taylor LOFT and i love it. it's a fall editors fave {featured in instyle, real simple, and people stylewatch} and so flattering.

eeeeh these are so cheap and chic, i cannot even stand it!!

13 October 2009
Fall Wants-Its: The Exercise Edition

and for those days {i know they will be plentiful} when it is just too damn cold to go outside, i think it's about time i jump on this train and let tranny-voice jillian whip my tush into shape in the privacy of my own home.
12 October 2009
Fall Wants-Its: The Home Edition
inspired by my home design guru, erin gates, this budget-friendly zebra area rug for my living room. this will look DIVINE under my new red-lacquer chinoiserie-chic coffee table.
le sigh. le creuset. i always thought that once i was on my own with a job and a paycheck, i could afford a kitchen full of beautiful cookware. i left out the part of the equation where i had enough space in said kitchen for said cookware. but with the chill in the air, i NEED a dutch oven to make delicious braises and stews.