i am officially declaring hump day "what's cooking wednesdays", or wcw for short. as i posted about {a lot} last week, i am trying really hard to make myself a homecooked meal at least once a week {preferably twice a week}. this is not only to save a little cash in this crap-tastic economy, but because it's healthier and generally a helluva lot tastier than anything the restaurants around here can whip up. so wcw starts today. {p.s. i realize that the following does not involve cooking a meal for me, per se, but deal with it.}
once a month at work, someone brings in some sort of dessert and our office gathers around the upstairs conference table to celebrate all of the co-workers' birthdays during that month. i volunteered to bake for the month of may, which means in a little over a week, i have got to wow the colleagues.
the problem is, i'm having trouble deciding between three recipes. this is where you come in. i need your votes on which nom nom to make. or, if you think all of these are tote grody, by all means, chime in with a recipe of your own liking. here are the current candidates and my reasoning for/against each:
whew say that five times fast! i heart the flavor combination of lemon and blueberry and i have THE most adorable bundt cake pan that makes the cake look like a sunflower. it also got great reviews. that said, i'm not sure this is a crowd-pleaser...people tend to like frosting.
i heart coconut. i heart lime. i heart cupcakes. so going strictly based on what i like to eat, these are the frontrunners. it just seems so summery! but i worry about people not liking coconut...
another flava-flav combo that i heart. but there are people in our office who don't like chocolate {weirdos}.
so what are your thoughts? i'm leaning towards the cupcakes out of selfishness, but i could use an outside opinion. any other suggestions? help me!!