hi all,
i'm going to have to take a short break from the blogworld. my darling aunt passed away last thursday and this past week i have not known up from down. between my trip to vegas and being gone all last week to be with family, i have been out of the office for almost 2 solid weeks and leave a week from today for palm springs. my house is a mess, i've spent zero time with the puppy boy, and i have work piled up everywhere. not to mention i am physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted.
i promise not to be gone for too long, but i just need some time to recharge my batteries and get all of my ducks in a row. socal girls, i will be in touch soon about meeting up while i'm on the left coast.
thanks for being understanding,
No apologies needed. Recharge.
I am so sorry for you and your family...I hope everything gets better for you soon and sending lots of good thoughts your way. xoxo
I am so sorry for you guys...sending positivity your way...
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope you feel better real soon.
big hug coming your way. take all the time you need. we will be here waiting for you to return!
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sending your family thoughts and prayers. Take it easy, and hopefully we'll get to meet up when you are out here!
I'm so very sorry. No apology necessary - your loyal fans will be here whenever you return.
I am so sorry for your loss, your family is in my thoughts.
Sorry to hear about your aunt, hope the break helps and you get some time to relax.
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